Saturday, September 23, 2006

So Simple.

Looking outside into my garden I notice a beautiful butterfly, how strange to see, middle of September, the grass wet and the breeze cold, but the sun so hot.

I watch it as it fly's across to my apple tree, and land on a fallen apple.

It stretches out it's wings lapping up the sun ray's.

Slowly moving around the apple moving it's delicate wings showing off it's radiant colour's of orange,white and black.

Lapping up the sweetness of that fallen apple.

As it sits and I just watch, it closes it's wings and the breeze moves it like a piece of paper,so fragile yet so strong it still sits there.

I believe seeing a single butterfly is bringing a message from someone above and what a fantastic thing to see.

Not wanting to move, I say to myself the ironing can wait,these are the things we need to watch and take in.

And it was in my little world.

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